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Viewing 10 posts - 211 through 220 (of 285 total)
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  • in reply to: Map on Contact Page #21695
    User Support

    Hello Tia
    No you do not need any plugin for it.
    Go to google maps > search any location > click on share > click on embed a map > click on copy html code
    Go to wordpress dashboard > appearance > customize > contact us page > paste the code in the map embed code text area > click on publish > refresh your contact page
    That is it it will appear.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Links in Header #21633
    User Support

    oh we thought you were talking about the header titles on the sections because in technical term header is basically the title or the top most part of the web page, i i apologize for the confusion here.
    so For example you want to click on a menu on header let say “contact” and you want your page to go to some other page.
    then you will need to add a custom link on your menu.
    go to dashboard > appearance > menu > now form add menu items you select “custom links” > add link and title > click on add to menu > save menu
    And it will be added to your menu clicking on it will redirect you to the new menu. we could also scroll it to the bottom of the page or any section on click but it will create some disturbance in the design and you will also need to add some code for it to be fixed. If you want us to do that then let us know both of it is possible but the first option is hassle free. Hope this answers your question.
    Thank you

    in reply to: click to call #21632
    User Support

    Hello Jose
    we checked your email but the username and password you sent were incorrect, we wont be able to help you in until you send us correct credentials.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Theme Digital Marketing Pro #21558
    User Support

    you did not set the static home page on your wordpress
    could you please send us your website link and wordpress username and password on [email protected] we will set it up for you like our demo then you may customize later as per your requirement.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Theme installation failed #21557
    User Support

    Hello Michael
    Kindly send us your website link and wordpress log in username and password on [email protected]
    we will install the theme for you like our demo.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Links in Header #21312
    User Support

    Hello Tia
    When adding title in the customizer just use the code below with it

    Title name

    Add the link inside double quote after href=”” and then enter title name in between the smaller than and greater than symbols > title name <
    Click on publish
    Thank you

    in reply to: Too much space after each item in "our featured" #21310
    User Support

    Hello Tia
    For the top padding you could change it through customizer.
    Go to dashboard > appearance > customize > home section > Our Featured Section > find “Section Padding Setting” change the top padding as per your requirement we changed it for you though you may check.
    About the gap in between the content: It is occurring because there is an equal height script added in the theme for all the boxes which means if any one of the content is more than the other then all the boxes will inherit its height, so you will need to put equal content in each box.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Shortcode #21309
    User Support


    in reply to: Title on contact section of homepage #21308
    User Support

    Hello Tia
    No, there is no title in the contact form you may check our theme design here:
    Thank you

    in reply to: ad tabs opening with first click with 2 sites using this theme #21076
    User Support

    Could you please send us the list of plugins you have on this website and if you could send us the wordpress log in credentials of this website then we will be able to look into this issue thoroughly. contact us at [email protected] for keeping the privacy.
    Thank you

Viewing 10 posts - 211 through 220 (of 285 total)