Home Forums Luzuk Graphics Designer Theme Header Not Installing As Shown

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  • #42934
    Crystal Koutz

    Hi. The free version of the Graphics Designer theme loaded the header properly, but the PRO version does not load it at all. I picked this theme specifically because I liked that header and now I can’t get it back – it is just colored blocks now with no style to it. At first when I tried to install the PRO version, it told me the style.css file was missing, but it was in there just not in the place it was looking for it so I copied the style.css file into the css subfolder and it installed the pro version after that, but the header is not there. Not sure if this is controlled through your style.css folder or another place – but I really want the header as shown on the demo and free version.


    Crystal Koutz

    It seems to be working on the preview but not in the Block Editor like it was before. If I preview the page, it looks right now so I guess it isn’t a WYSIWYG and I can work with that as long as I can preview it. You can close the ticket. Thanks,

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