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  • in reply to: Photo galleries #26570
    Tia Norris

    Hi again,

    Checking in on this post:
    -The gallery images seem to be condensed/mis-shapen. Are there ideal proportions or edits I can make to have the pictures show true to proportions?
    -Also, is there a way to add any text to the Gallery page?


    in reply to: Links on Services pictures #26569
    Tia Norris

    Alright, yes let’s go ahead and do that. I’d like for visitors to be able to click on the graphics under Services on the home page, and with that click be taken to each service’s unique web page.

    May I request two more changes?
    -On my page under “Online Training Programs” (section title “Our Featured”), can you configure the site to allow for text under the heading, as it does under my “Personal Training Prices”?
    -Can we also create space for another video directly underneath my current single video in “About” on the homepage?

    Please let me know how to proceed/complete payment. Thank you!

    in reply to: Differences on Mobile View #26448
    Tia Norris

    Checking in on this again, thanks!

    in reply to: Links on Services pictures #26447
    Tia Norris

    Okay, I think I understand. Is there a way to update the theme to allow for this direct linking? If it’s too much trouble, are there any other work arounds? Thank you,


    in reply to: Editing pictures in gallery #26390
    Tia Norris

    Fixed that, thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Differences on Mobile View #26251
    Tia Norris

    Hi guys,

    Got some things resolved:
    -Slider background color
    -Logo centering

    Still having some other issues in mobile view, as viewed on Safari on an iPhone:
    -Phone number still appears yellow for some reason.
    -The picture in the slider still appears mis-shapen and condensed.
    -On one of my testimonials (Eva Jannotta), her text area is long and it is not all readable on the screen.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Testimonials, counter #24807
    Tia Norris

    Got it all, thank you!

    in reply to: Testimonials, counter #24736
    Tia Norris

    Got it – Okay, I adjusted the image dimensions to about 125×165 but they still appear distorted. Do you have a recommended site/software to compress images, and any tips on how to do that? If it’s not too much trouble, I would definitely ask to make the images bigger please. Thanks again guys.

    in reply to: Testimonials, counter #24618
    Tia Norris

    Another question: seems as though one of my testimonials is not showing up. In my customizer, I have “Russell Clarke”‘s testimonial set to appear but it does not on the live site. Help please!

    in reply to: Testimonials, counter #24617
    Tia Norris

    Great, I see those changes – thank you!

    Also, is there a way to make the images bigger? Or are there ideal proportions I can set images to, so that they do not appear distorted?

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 65 total)