Home Forums Multi Sports Water-Sports-Club-Pro

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  • #35252

    I just buy the theme Water Sports Club Pro. I follow the documentation to install it and when I activated, it doesn’t load the Pro demo. It seems to load the basic theme. What do I need to activate the full theme?


    User Support

    Hello Douglas,
    Please send us your email id where we can send you a theme demo data xml file.
    Thank you.


    Hello i have the same problem, did you have a solution?

    User Support

    Hello Caroline,
    Could you please send us your email id? So we will send you demo XML file directly on that.
    Thank you.

    Wang Yuan

    Hello, my email id is [email protected], I bought the water sports club pro theme, I have a question now, is there any way to link the “we provide” section to woocommerce-product page?
    the default link of we provide is domin.com/our-project/… but we want the link to be domin.com/product/…

    looking forward to your reply,
    and thanks in advance.

    User Support

    Hello Wang,
    Could you please explain to us what you exactly want to do? So we can understand it better.
    Thank you.

    Vivien Taupas

    Where is the documentation for the water sports club pro theme? All links are now going to error or demo pages of another theme.
    I need some help to integrate woocommerce with that theme.


    I cannot find the sample data neither. wanted to install it. can you send it to me?

    User Support

    Hello Vivien,
    Here is our “Water Sports Club Pro” theme updated documentation link given below.
    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by User Support.
    User Support

    Hello Christoph,
    We have sent you a demo data to your email id. Kindly check your email.
    Thank you.

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