Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 161 through 170 (of 409 total)
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  • in reply to: Testimonials Section – no carousel animation #35693
    User Support

    Hello Tereso,
    Could you please share your site URL with us? We will directly check on that.
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Font Size #35655
    User Support

    Hello Thomas,
    In header every font has its own classes and it is not possible to send you that all classes. If you send us the font sizes which you want, we can set it for you in your additional css. For that we need your WordPress credentials. Could you please share it with us? If yes, Please send it on our support email id: [email protected]
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Demo data #35648
    User Support

    Hello Kylie,
    Could you please tell us what is your exact issue?
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Font Size #35634
    User Support

    Hello Thomas,
    Kindly add the below Css in your customizer additional css to change the header font sizes and add any size which you want:

    .navigation .mainmenu>li>a {
    font-size: 14px;

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Upgrade to Profail #35603
    User Support

    You have not added “Homepage” Template to your front page “home”. That is why home page design is doesn’t showing same as our demo site. Please add template first. Kindly follow our theme documentation. It is very easy to understand. . If you have any query then let us know.
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Use my own icons instead of FontAwesome #35555
    User Support

    Hello Warren,
    Could you tell us exactly which photo do you want to remove from home page?
    Thank you.

    in reply to: demo data #35543
    User Support

    Hello WeeJay,
    Could you please tell us which theme are you using Free theme or Premium theme?
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Distorted Mobile View – Not Fully Responsive #35503
    User Support

    We got your credentials but we need your site url also.
    Thank you.

    User Support

    Hello Shane,
    We have checked your site url. Actually you have not added “Home Page” template of our theme that is why it’s not looking like our theme demo site. Here is our theme step by step complete documentation . It is very easy to understand. You may follow it for theme set up. If you are not able to do it then please send us your wordpress credentials on our [email protected] we will set up complete theme for you.
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Coming Soon Text Clipped Off #35473
    User Support

    Hello Matteo,
    We have checked your site and noticed that you have edit the css of our template that is why it is looking different than our theme.
    Thank you.

Viewing 10 posts - 161 through 170 (of 409 total)